About me


I’m a researcher in computer vision and deep learning and I’m currently working with Federico Tombari at Google Zurich where I lead a small team of researchers dealing with fundamental research as well as research to production transformation. Previously I was enrolled as a post doc at the Computer Vision Lab of the university of Bologna under the supervision of Professor Luigi Di Stefano.

I received my PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from University of Bologna on April 2019. During my PhD I have worked on deep learning solutions for product detection and recognition in retail environments and on deep learning applied to depth estimation from stereo and monocular cameras.

I am currently working on multimodal learning, generative models for images (and more) and complex text understanding tasks. If you are interested in working with me feel free to reach out!

P.S.: I also like to take photos, besides working with them, check my seldomly updated Flickr



  • 2 papers on building better VLM accepted at ECCV24! Check TCR and BRAVE and a huge thanks to my awesome co-authors Bruno and Oguzhan.
  • Our TouchSDF paper has been accepted for publication in RAL! Check also the follow up work we just uploaded to Arxiv where we integrate touch with a gaussian splatting reconstruction pipeline SnapTapSplat.
  • Check our latest work on interfacing LLM with multiple visual encoder to have a broader view on the visual world: BRAVE.
  • Exciting new works uploaded to Arxiv: Lime for image editing, InseRF for NeRF Editing, Text Conditioned Resamppler for interfacing LLM to videos.

Bonus Pic & Song

| Soundtrack | Head_Statue_In_Norway

Older News



  • We have uploaded to Arxive our latest work that enables editing of 3D aware Nerf based GAN: LatentSwap3D, code available
  • We have uploaded to Arxive an old work which never made it out of the review process, the idea was simple but effective: making. a CycleGAN parametrizable –> ParGAN
  • I was interviewed for the ProfessionAI podcast to share my experience as CV researcher, you can find the interview here(italian only :/)
  • I was acknowledged as outstanding reviewer at ECCV22!
  • BNE has been accepted for publication on Pattern Recognition.



  • We uploaded to arxiv our latest work Batch Normalization Embeddings for Deep Domain Generalization.
  • I was acknowledged as Outstanding Reviewer at ACCV2020, thank you to all the organizers!
  • Our paper A Divide et Impera Approach for 3D Shape Reconstruction from Multiple Views has been accepted as oral to 3DV 2020! Here we show how to use deep learning and traditional multi-view geometry wisdom to solve multi view reconstruction in an end to end way.
  • I was awarded as Outstanding Reviewer at ECCV2020, thank you to all the organizers!
  • Come meet me on the 26th of August at the Virtual Google Booth at ECCV2020 to chat about what is it like to work and do research in Google. From 6:30 to 8:30 pm CEST.
  • We just submitted to TPAMI an extended version of our CVPR2019 work on online self-supervision for stereo depth estimation. You can find more details on our newer work Continual Online Adaptation for Deep Stereo. The online code will be updated soon, stay tuned.
