About me


I’m a researcher in computer vision and deep learning and I’m currently working with Federico Tombari at Google Zurich. Previously I was enrolled as a post doc at the Computer Vision Lab of the university of Bologna under the supervision of Professor Luigi Di Stefano.

I received my PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from University of Bologna on April 2019. During my PhD I have worked on deep learning solutions for product detection and recognition in retail environments and on deep learning applied to depth estimation from stereo and monocular cameras.

I am currently working on depth estimation, multimodal learning, generative models for images (and more) and complex text understanding tasks. If you are interested in working with me feel free to reach out!

P.S.: I also like to take photos, besides working with them, check my seldomly updated Flickr



Bonus Pic & Song

| Soundtrack | Head_Statue_In_Norway

Older News


  • We have uploaded to Arxive our latest work that enables editing of 3D aware Nerf based GAN: LatentSwap3D, code available
  • We have uploaded to Arxive an old work which never made it out of the review process, the idea was simple but effective: making. a CycleGAN parametrizable –> ParGAN
  • I was interviewed for the ProfessionAI podcast to share my experience as CV researcher, you can find the interview here(italian only :/)
  • I was acknowledged as outstanding reviewer at ECCV22!
  • BNE has been accepted for publication on Pattern Recognition.



  • We uploaded to arxiv our latest work Batch Normalization Embeddings for Deep Domain Generalization.
  • I was acknowledged as Outstanding Reviewer at ACCV2020, thank you to all the organizers!
  • Our paper A Divide et Impera Approach for 3D Shape Reconstruction from Multiple Views has been accepted as oral to 3DV 2020! Here we show how to use deep learning and traditional multi-view geometry wisdom to solve multi view reconstruction in an end to end way.
  • I was awarded as Outstanding Reviewer at ECCV2020, thank you to all the organizers!
  • Come meet me on the 26th of August at the Virtual Google Booth at ECCV2020 to chat about what is it like to work and do research in Google. From 6:30 to 8:30 pm CEST.
  • We just submitted to TPAMI an extended version of our CVPR2019 work on online self-supervision for stereo depth estimation. You can find more details on our newer work Continual Online Adaptation for Deep Stereo. The online code will be updated soon, stay tuned.
